This is the blog section of this website. It is an heritage of the old wiki I maintained before switching to a static website generated with hugo, so articles before 2021 can be a little short and are more like notes than regular articles.
- 2012-04-20 - Change owner on a PostgreSQL database and all tables : How to change owner on a PostgreSQL database and all tables
- 2011-11-20 - Capture a video of your desktop : Capture a video of your desktop
- 2011-11-15 - mdadm : some mdadm command examples
- 2011-09-29 - Use spaces in fstab : How to use spaces in a folder name in fstab
- 2011-02-16 - DMIdecode : Some DMIdecode common flags
- 2011-01-06 - Convert a unix timestamp to a readable date : the -d flag of the date command combined with @timestamp
- 2009-04-27 - Purge postfix queue based on email contents : How to selectively purge a postfix queue based on email contents